Monday, July 15, 2013

How to Create a virtual DVD/CD drive

How to Create a Virtual DVD/CD drive 

Step 1: Create a folder
~$ mkdir /mnt/blablah
The folder created will be the drive's location/address.

Step 2:Load your content (iso file)
~$ mount -t iso9660 -o loop "<path>/image.iso" /mnt/blablah

Monday, July 1, 2013

[How-to] Install VMWare Tools Offline

[How-to] Install VMWare Tools Offline in Linux

Step 1: Download vmware-tools-*.component.tar from
While VMWare player makes it convenient for users to just click "Download and Install" in order to update VMWare tools, sometimes we find ourselves in a situation compelling us to download the VMWare Tools manually. In my case, my Internet service is slow so I had to download the VMWare Tools from a friend's broadband. And, manually transported the downloaded file to my PC.

Step 2: Untar
        tar -xvf vmware-tools-*

Step 3: Install
        vmware-installer --install-component=vmware-tools-*
        The command will pop-out a graphic interface.

~$ sudo vmware-installer --install-component= /media/BACKUP/vmware-tools-windows-9.2.3-1031769.i386.component

Step 4: Proceed to the virtual Machine. Click Update VMWare Tool. This should mount an ISO to the VM's virtual CD drive. 

If it did not run, navigate the setup.exe or equivalent in the CD drive. The installation process should begin. Respond to the dialog box prompts until installation is completed.

If it did not mount, manually mount the new .iso which you can find at /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages.